In this post, we’ll cover some basic Linux commands for managing files and directories. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Linux user, these commands can come in handy when working with files and directories in the terminal. Zip Command The “zip” command is used to compress one or more files into a single archive. […]
WordPress Loop
The WordPress Loop is the code that displays content on a website. The loop can be used to display blog posts or other types of work depending on what you need it for, and will usually start from the beginning until there are no more entries left. WordPress’s Loop is a versatile and complex function […]
ACF Take the contents of a text area, de-dupe, remove blanks and sort list.
This is a PHP function that takes the contents of a text area field in WordPress and performs several operations to tidy up the data. The function: Explodes the text area content into separate lines using the “\n” line break character. Trims white space from each line using the array_map function with the trim function. […]
Advance custom Fields bxSlider full middle image and a half left and right images
This code uses PHP, JavaScript and CSS to implement a slider using the bxSlider library. The Advance Custom Fields plugin is utilized to retrieve the images for the slider. The PHP code checks if there are any rows in the slider custom field and loops through them to display the images. The JavaScript code sets […]
Hide the ACF menu and show for a specific user only
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) is a popular plugin for WordPress that provides additional customization options for website administrators. However, when delivering a website to a client, it may be necessary to limit their access to the ACF menu item in order to prevent them from accidentally making changes to the website that could cause problems. […]